IBM AS/400 9404 C-10

Hardware Description
Overall Description
The system is structured in several boards connected to a backplane at the rear of the machine, while the peripherals are placed at the front. The system has room at the front for an extra power supply unit, a battery, three full height 5 1/4" hard disk drives, a tape drive and a floppy drive.
While usually microprocessors work with words whose length is power of two, the CISC CPU the early AS/400 models had are 48 bits wide. Its family derives from the System/38 and is known as IMPI and althought being code-compatible with the former, its instruction set is unknown outside IBM.
Input/Output Control
The input/output control board of the C-10 is an intelligent system per se. It includes a 68000 microprocessor to handle petitions from and to the peripherals. It has 128KB of ROM and 768KB of DRAM. It also contains a NEC 765 as a floppy controller.
Units in collection
Inventory ID | Model | Submodel | Comments |
234 | 9404 | C-10 | Fitted with two hard disk drives and one 150MB Tape drive; expanded with 4MB additional RAM. |