Quad 76489 PSG Synthesizer

A heavily modified ALF MC-1 synthesizer ported from the Apple II to the Sega Master System. It has many differences from the original one as well as traits derivated from its Master system interface.


  • Has four PSGs instead of the three the vast majority of MC-1 cards wore
  • Four bit latches have been replaced by eight bit ones
  • There is a latch per integrated circuit instead of one per board
  • Due to the different system frequencies, the synthesizers of this construction work at a different frequency than the original design
  • Two of the synthesizers have their frequency divided by two and four, respectively
  • The design implements the audio control port with as a three bit register
  • The enable logic allows to have PSGs and FM modes
  • A new register has been added in order to poll the state of each synthesizer

I/O Port description

Port Read Write Description
0x7C No Yes 76489 PSG 0 control port
0x7D No Yes 76489 PSG 1 control port
0x7E No Yes 76489 PSG 2 control port
0x7F No Yes 76489 PSG 3 control port
0xF2 Yes Yes Audio control port
0xF3 Yes No PSG status port

PSG control ports

The commands to control each PSG don't differ from the ones to control the internal one. However, as the chosen ports collide with the built-in one and as there is no mechanism to disable the integrated PSG, its function must be mutually exclusive.

Audio control port

Another bit is being used by the implementation of the port at 0xF2, in a way that allows to enable or disable the external PSG synthesizer.

Bit assignation of audio control port
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid 0 Synth Enable PSG Enable FM Enable

The highmost bits cannot be used in read mode, and although there is no effect otherwise in write mode they should be zero.

Available modes of the device
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Description
0 0 0 Internal PSG only
0 0 1 FM only
0 1 0 No sound
0 1 1 Internal PSG and FM
1 0 0 Synthesizer
1 0 1 Synthesizer and FM
1 1 0 Reserved
1 1 1 Reserved

PSG status port

The port at 0xF3 allows the program to know the state of each PSG, which means that it reduces the complexity of programming them by the former restriction of writing cycle-accurate code.

Bit assignment of PSG control port
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid PSG 3 ready PSG 2 ready PSG 1 ready PSG 0 ready

As the highmost bits are invalid, the value obtained from reading this port must be masked.